MCDC is recognized as a HUD-approved housing counseling agency. The housing counseling services (Pre-Purchase Consultation) provide valuable information about the road to home-ownership, from financing a home to maintaining a home, and the availability of down payment assistance programs from various sources, including the City of Midland Homebuyer Assistance Program (HAP). The program is designed to fit the needs of all potential first-time homebuyers in our community. Our services include:
- One-on-One Housing Counseling (Pre-purchase consultation)
- Incubation Program for families needing more time to achieve homeownership
MCDC may also assist the family through the application and pre-loan process, the completion of other preliminary paperwork, and the scheduling of the initial interview with the mortgage company.

Old Pueblo Park Housing Development
12 New Homes Located Within Downtown TIRZ District
Our project, the Old Pueblo Park Housing Development, targeted those residing in the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone, or TIRZ district, which was a portion of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) area. This area was designated by the City of Midland and had a population of 17,303 of which 78.4% included low-to-moderate income households. Over 90% of housing in the target area was developed between 1940 and 1960 and a significant number of the homes were dilapidated. The extent of new development was minimal with only 10-15 new housing units built by affordable nonprofit programs. Due to miniscule commercial and residential development and steady demolition in the target area, housing density was quickly decreasing.
The first phase of the project began in August 2002 and it consisted 12 homes. The long term goal of MCDC is to create a multi-family housing development, expand the development area, and grow the capacity of the organization to develop up to 30 new homes annually.
First-time homebuyers may apply for down payment assistance through the City of Midland’s Homebuyer Assistance Program (HAP). HAP provides zero interest-deferred loans to first-time homebuyers. The assistance is based on income and family size. The program allows qualified buyers to purchase a home with permanent financing arranged by one of our banking partners.
A lien in the amount of the HAP assistance will be filed as a second position lien to the primary lending institution. If the homebuyer resides in the house for ten years, the HAP loan will be forgiven.
Who Can Qualify for Homebuyer Assistance?
- City of Midland resident for a minimum of 30 days
# In Family Maximum Income 1 $59,650 2 $68,200 3 $76,700 4 $85,200 5 $92,050 6 $98,850 7 $105,650 8 $112,500 - Must meet the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) income guidelines (effective June 2022)
- Be a first-time homebuyer according to HUD’s definition
- Invest a minimum of $1,000 as well as all other costs not payable by the HAP
- Meet underwriting requirements of the lender bank
- Have satisfied prior governmental debts or tax obligations
- Completion of HUD-approved homebuyer education course
- Pre-Purchase: The potential homebuyer must attend a one-on-one pre-purchase consultation
ALL households qualify for pre-purchase consultation services.
The Federal Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in housing because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, handicap or familial status. If you feel your rights have been violated, you may call the HUD National Housing Discrimination Claim HOTLINE number at 1-800-669-9777 (TDD 1-800-927-9275)